Friday, 6 May 2011

Production Crew Relection

Production Crew, Mic controller. - Creativity, Service

As a Mic controller of our Production, i planned to make sure that i do my job and take responsibility. Since i was the head of Mic people, i had most of the responsibility on controlling my mic traffic crew. This actually was one of the hardest thing for me because we had hard time getting people into it. We first had some of the seniors as a mic traffic people but they decided to quit that we had to look for new mic traffic people. As a result, i decided to have Ben from 9th grade, and Jaffet from 12th grade. At first, they didn't seemed that interesting about this job, but as time passed, i think they started to know the concept of the mic and become pretty much skilled. I really liked this fact.

What i did was that i had to control the volume of the mics when actors are speaking their lines, but also mute all the mics that are not on stage. Also, i had to make a chart about mic traffic. this was one of the hardest thing for me to do because we had to consider actor's entrance and exit. As a mic controller, i had so much stress because of any kind of mistakes that i make. If i forget to mute the mic off any actors who are not on stage, their voice will be heard from the backstage that the scene might be badly affected. But also, if i forget to turn on the mic of the actors who are on stage, than their voices won't be heard by the audience, meaning that all of their efforts will become nothing. Thinking of all these things and try my best to make it the best was very hard thing for me to do. and in one way, it really gave me lots of stress.

At first, things that i really liked was that i could interact with our crew members, Before, i was not even talking to Ben but now, after doing production, we started to talk to each other. Also, i learned how to control mic board, which really can help me when i go to college and so on. I think i also may have a chance to work as a mic controller again and this experience will help me a lot to also succeed on those plays. The other thing that i really liked was that i also could interact with actors. I could talk to each one of them about any kind of problems such as "never mute the mic!!!"

After this activity, i learned that i really need to interact with people and try to overcome any kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings. I felt that even if i just feel upset about any kind of situations, i should not reveal that feelings and try to keep it in my mind, or else it might lead another conflict. Also, I learned that being part of the organization that involved many people will help me to know many people and learn how to interact with people. I really learned that knowing lots of people can help me to learn how to threat people and how to overcome any hardships happening in between people relationships.

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